Despite a gain in revenue and an overall profit for Microsoft, their Home and Entertainment division announces a Q3 loss of USD 388 million. Xbox 360 shortages and money spent to put the console into stores worldwide are cited as the main reasons for the loss. [1]
Chartered Semiconductor announces that it will produce 65 nm CPUs for the Xbox 360, which will lower the console's heat and power consumption. [12]
The film adaptation of Silent Hill is released in North America and the United Kingdom. Response is mixed, with the film praised by fans but criticised by reviewers.
THQ lowers its earnings guidance for the March quarter, citing a change in development strategy for WWE games and poor sales performance of Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers. [13]
According to the Yankee Group, in-game advertising could increase to $732 million by the year 2010, up from $56 million in 2005 and $22 million in 2004. [24]
April 12, 2006 (Wednesday)
The Nintendo DS is announced as the top-selling console in Japan for 2005, selling 4.32 million units. The PlayStation Portable is second, selling 2.07 million units, while the PlayStation 2 is third, selling 1.77 million units. [25]
April 10, 2006 (Monday)
Kingdom Hearts II reaches 2.5 million units in worldwide shipment. After it releases in Europe, Square Enix expects the entire series' shipments to reach 10 million units. [26]